First UK providers install porn filters

b_100_100_16777215_00_images_content_News-All_parental-advisory.jpgIn the UK, two large internet providers, Sky and TalkTalk have turned their porn filters 'on' for their new customers. These new customers can ask to turn it off. The filter is designed to block all sites deemed unsuitable for children. The move comes after the government called for the internet providers to filter legal pornography and other adult subjects 'by default'. Other providers (British Telecom, Virgin) will follow soon.


The implementation of the controls will be pre-selected for new users who are setting up their internet connection for the first time. The will have to confirm this option and then will be asked to set a filter level. Existing users will be asked to decide on whether or not they want the filters setup. They will be contact in 2014.

Sites that show pornography, refer to illegal drugs or promote self-harm will be blocked. Other categories of sites that the filter can be set to block include nudity, social networking and gaming.

If will be blocked remains uncertain for now.