Sex box show - no cigar in UK

do not disturb...

The British TV show 'Sex box' on channel 4 was not the great success they'd hoped for. Many viewers were confused, as no sex was 'performed' on live television. It all 'happened' in a closed box. No peeking, no sound, no nothing. After having performed, the couple got onto the stage to be interviewed by a panel about the experience. Critics and viewers were  'not amused'.

"Sex Box was one of the worst TV programmes I have seen in a long time. From concept to execution, it was a combination of gimmick, prurience, exploitation and dullness,” wrote Ed Cummings in the Daily Telegraph.

On Twitter, many complained that this show was not 'up-to-expectation', why not have the audience have interaction with the couple, as well? was one of the questions.

Ellen E. Jones in The Independent was kinder, however, saying: “It wasn't exactly what Channel 4 had promised, but it was unexpectedly funny.”

Have you seen it and would you consider participating in this show?


+4 #1 Sam 2013-10-10 19:12
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm mm....... what?
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