Why sex is good for you

sexBesides pleasant, fun and many things more, sex is also very good for your health, both physical and psychological. And that’s no joke, but scientific proven by several studies and psychologists. Media.SDC gives you a list of the benefits and of course, you are free to add some more healthy aspects of sex.

  • According to a report from Scottish researchers in the Biological Psychology sex lowers your blood pressure.
  • The same report notes that sex gives an overall stress reduction. Men and women who had sex responded better to stress.
  • Sex on a regular base, minimum once a week, spurs your immune system with 30 percent higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), which helps protect against colds and infections.
  • Researchers found that, compared with men who have sex less than once a month, having sex twice or more a week will reduce the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men.
  • Sex is good for your self-esteem and that is one of 237 reasons people have sex, so researchers of the University of Texas published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. And the more active your sex life, the more the opposite sex feels attracted to you because if you are sexual very active, your body releases more pheromones. These hormones attract the opposite sex.
  • It is a beauty treatment for women. Sex doubles the estrogens level. This hormone makes your hair shine and give the skin a healthy glow.
  • Sex is good for weight loss: thirty minutes of sex burns at least 85 calories, so is a great way to exercise.
  • Sex activates the hormone oxytocine, a natural painkiller which is ten times more effective than a regular painkiller. So instead of ‘no sex please, I have a headache your headache might be relieved after having sex.
  • Having sex sharpens your senses, especially the smell. This is caused by a rise of the hormone prolactin.
  • Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk so Australian researchers reported in the British Journal of Urology International. They followed men diagnosed with prostate cancer and those without. The researchers found that men, who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s, had less chance of getting prostate cancer later in life.
  • Sex strengthens muscles as you can imagine the effort your muscles have to make through pushes and reflections. Strengthtening the pelvic muscles also lead to a better control of the bladder.
  • The hormone oxytocine released during orgasm also gives you a good night’s sleep.